什么是翡翠?What is Jadeite?

什么是翡翠?What is Jadeite?





翡翠的名称来由也有着很多不同的说法,其中最受认可的说法源于鸟名。嘴不侧扁,嘴峰两侧亦无鼻沟,喜栖息于河岸,有时也能在远离水域的山坡崩塌处或墓地隧道中生活,但它的主要食物并非鱼类 ,而是昆虫 。雄性羽毛呈红色,称之翡;雌性羽毛呈绿色,称之翠;合称“翡翠”。


那么以现代的说法,翡翠属辉石类,出产于低温高压下生成的变质岩层中。化学名为矽酸铝钠,单斜晶系、完全解理。主要组成成分为矽酸铝钠(NaAlSi2O6,玉石矿中含有超过50%以上的矽酸铝钠才能被视为翡翠)。物理特征:硬度在6.5—7之间,比重在3.25—3.35之间,折射率为1.66,熔点介于900—1000 °C之间。

What is Jadeite?

Jade refers to an ornamental mineral which can be categorized into two types: Jadeite and Nephrite.

Jadeite in Chinese is called “fěi cuì”(翡翠)

Jadeite’s popularity rose around 16th to 17th Century at China, and slowly influenced the world through the spread of Chinese culture.

The name “fěi cuì”(翡翠) is often believed to be named after a species of birds that lived around the riverside area, whose main food are insects instead of fishes. The word “fěi”(翡) refers to the males whose feathers are colored Red, while “cuì”(翠) refers to the females whose feathers are Green.

In modern terms, Jadeite is more specifically known as a pyroxene mineral with composition NaAlSi2O6. It is monoclinic and is formed in metamorphic rocks under high pressure and relatively low temperature conditions. Physical characteristics are such as Mohs hardness between 6.5-7, specific gravity between 3.25-3.35, refractive index 1.66, and melting point between 900-1000 ° C.

There’s a famous saying that when a person cares for a Jadeite for three years, the Jadeite pieces in return care for the person’s soul for a lifetime". Chinese sees Jadeite like the essence of the world, each piece of Jadeite with its own soul. Since ancient times, Jadeites are not only well loved by the civilians, but also regarded as precious gems by royalty. They believed that Jade represents the pureness of Yin and Yang, and has a magical harmonizing effect on the human health.