翡翠观音的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade Guan Yin)

翡翠观音的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade Guan Yin)

“观音”又称为“观世音菩萨”,观世音菩萨具有平等无私的广大悲愿,当众生遇到任何的困难和苦痛, 如能至诚称念观世音菩萨,就会得到菩萨的救护。观音菩萨有三十三化身,对不同的众生,便现化不同的身相,说不同的法门。在佛教的众多菩萨中,观世音菩萨也最为民间所熟知和信仰。

翡翠观音的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade Guan Yin)


1.翡翠观音 – 逢凶化吉,遇难成祥。

2. 翡翠观音 – 吉祥如意,事事顺心。

3. 翡翠观音 – 送子送福、子孙绵延。
《妙法莲华经》:“若有女人,设欲求男,礼拜供养观世音菩萨,便生福德智慧之男;设欲求女,便生端正有相之女,宿植德本,众人爱敬。无尽意,观世音菩萨有如是力。” 老百姓到观音庙里烧香或在家里供奉观音神像,除了祈求观音赐福外,也有的是为了祈子,人们相信观音能送子送福 – 送子观音。

4. 翡翠观音 – 事业有成,财源广进。

5. 翡翠观音 – 男戴观音,女戴佛

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“Guan Yin” as known as Goddess of Mercy. When people facing any difficulties and problems, if they pray sincerely to Guan Yin, Guan Yin will help by 33 of different manifestations. Guan Yin is often referred to as the "most widely beloved Buddhist Divinity" with miraculous powers to assist all those who pray to Guan Yin.

What are the meaning of the Jadeite Jade “Guan Yin”?

The main meaning of the Jadeite Jade Guan Yin:
1. Jadeite Jade Guan Yin – Turn Danger to Safe, Change Difficulties to Smooth
Guan Yin – Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, people believes that Guan Yin will help to reduce and avoid negative issues.

2. Jadeite Jade Guan Yin – As You Wish
In Chinese Traditional, people believes that Guan Yin will help to improve and enhance the wearer lucks and smoothen issues. 

3. Jadeite Jade Guan Yin – Child
During the ancient time, people not only pray for safe, luck, career and wealth; people also pray for child-bearing blessings. There is a Guan Yin as known as “Child Sending Guan Yin” (送子观音).

4. Jadeite Jade Guan Yin – Career and Wealth
Jadeite Jade Guan Yin, in Mandarin it pronounce as “Guan Yin”(观音), homophonic "Guan Yin"(官印). During the ancient time, "Guan Yin"(官印) represent Power, Wealth and Ranking. Hence people believe in wearing Jadeite Jade Guan Yin will help to enhance their career and wealth.

5. Jadeite Jade Guan Yin – "Male wear Guan Yin, Female wear Buddha"
In the Chinese Traditional, people always mention “Male wear Guan Yin, Female wear Buddha”, as Guan Yin aka “Goddess of Mercy and Compassion”, will help to eliminate female’s violent temper and stay away from conflict; always stay calm and rationally. For Female wearer, will help to improve their career, also will enhance their gorgeous and charm.


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