翡翠如意的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade RuYi)

翡翠如意的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade RuYi)


翡翠如意的寓意 (Meaning of Jadeite Jade RuYi)











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Jadeite Jade RuYi, it is a unique and special design among others Jadeite Pendants. A traditional RuYi has a long S-shaped handle and a head fashioned like a fist, cloud, or LingZhi mushroom. In ancient time, it name as RuYi (as desire) as it has been used as a backscratchers, it can reach the spot that our hand unable to reach and scratch. People also believe it will bring luck and peace to the family.

Jadeite Jade RuYi has few meaning:

1. Jadeite Jade RuYi – As You Wish

In Chinese term, “Ru” (如) "as" and “Yi” 意 "wish; desire; thought”. This is the RuYi main meaning – As You Wish.

2. Jadeite Jade RuYi – Career

During the ancient time, Jadeite Jade RuYi represent Power, Wealth and Ranking. Hence people believe in RuYi will help to enhance their career.

3. Jadeite Jade RuYi with Mandarin Duck

In Chinese Traditional, Mandarin Duck symbolize as Couple. When a Jadeite Jade RuYi carved with Mandarin Duck it meaning the Couple can be forever as they wish, Romantic and Lovely.

Jadeite RuYi is suitable to all age and gentle as well.

Men – enhance their career, power and wealth
Women – enhance their beauty and elegant temperament
Senior and Child – safety and good lucks

If you looking for a gift to someone especially Senior, Jadeite Ruyi will be your first choice.

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